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To all that are new in my path and in my journey... Thank you!

Starting a company is never easy, what is harder than starting a company however, is changing the world.

I have been helping the community out of pocket for over 20 years. After Covid, I ran out of ways to support everyone around me.

After Covid, beekeepers themselves small and big encountered new issues.

I personally developed more anxiety not knowing how to split my time between everyone.

(Imagine over 20-30 people calling your name and asking if you could give them a few hours in a week to help them with their lives, jobs, etc. I mentally could do it, but not physically; there just isn't enough hours in a day to support so many different fields.)

In 2022 I hit rock bottom, I was worn down from 2020-2021 being a hotline and attending so many people with Covid, working, volunteering, and entering a family crisis that I took it upon myself to repair without help, and then my cousin and best friend passes away.

One of things I found myself doing to decompress, to deal with everything was jar honey.

I sat for hours, jarring, decorating, crying and remembering.

In 2021 I had been doing this as a care package to give away when people were sick.

In 2022 I went into debt from having given away so much honey and spending all my resources giving it away for free.

While my cousin had been alive, he had been my biggest cheerleader and encouraged me to start a company and see where it would take me, but I was afraid.

After he passed, I decided to eat that fear and try to open a nonprofit as my heart was in the root of giving rather than selling.

From the very beginning I encountered so many problems, including with people's intentions loving the idea of a honey company, but making tons of money and being able to take more than give.

I decided to skip the nonprofit and go for a foundation.

My first step is to start as a small company, pay off my debt, and save as much as I can and become a foundation.

I am not great at showing everything that I do, because I rather use every second fixing problems, and creating solutions, and that may not give me the time to fix this website, or be active in social media..but the fact that I have thousands of people that I have helped personally and support/cheer me on is the best push to keep building this whole thing until I can become something bigger than myself.

Today I am a business, the business of giving and protecting, and one day; I will be a foundation that can have many others like myself protecting, and giving without hurting their pockets.

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